The Foal Finder: an Interview with Denise Mitchell
Updated: May 9, 2024

This year, Denise Mitchell celebrates her 45th wedding anniversary, and though her husband might not admit it, he knows he’s a lucky guy, not least because he had the good fortune to own horses when he met his future wife.
“I came from a completely non-horsey background,” explains Denise. “The eldest of six
children, my mum and dad couldn’t afford to give me a horse, but every second of any day that I could get near a horse, I was there. Then, when I was almost 16, I met John, and he had horses – just average, everyday sort of horses – but he had horses, and so the interest was there and we clicked straightaway.”
Today, that interest has not only seen the couple reach their Sapphire wedding anniversary, it
has also created a winning partnership that has seen the Mitchells become one of the most
respected, must-go-to contacts in the young horse market.
Specialising in “highly trainable” Hanoverian warmbloods, Denise and John have secured more
than 150 foals in the past 26 years from the elite Verden foal auctions in Germany. Many more
have come from trusted private breeders elsewhere in Germany, transforming their home and
business ‘Gamblethorpe Hanoverians’ into a horse lover’s paradise.

“We moved to Gamblethorpe 36 years ago,” says Denise. “At the time, I was pregnant with my
second child so I couldn't have a horse because I was too busy with the children. The farmhouse
was also derelict, but we started with a few liveries.
“Eventually, we got one or two brood mares, and we began breeding. Then we bought some
stallions, Irish drafts and thoroughbreds, but it came to the point where dressage was starting
to kick off in a big way and we fancied getting a young dressage stallion. Amazingly, we couldn't
find one in the UK at all.
“We tried everywhere, and my friend eventually suggested we go abroad to buy one, and that’s
how it started. We bought a foal in Germany, and he licensed as a stallion. He actually became
a Grade A showjumper, not a dressage horse, and he jumped internationally.
“A year later, we decided to go again and we bought three more. Now it's escalated to the
point where we're getting nearly 40 foals a year.
“John turned 70 a couple of days ago, and we really ought to start slowing down, but there is
such a market for these young horses that we don't want to stop because we are getting there.
Everyone knows who we are, we get repeat people coming back to us, and we're even getting
top Grand Prix riders coming as well.
“But we're also getting people that just want a nice horse; a horse that looks good, that's got
a trainable brain, and a horse they can have fun on. So, the Hanoverians suit everyone. They
really do.”

For many riders, the idea of owning and bringing on a youngster seems like an impossible
dream – an opportunity only available to equestrians at the top of their game. But it’s the
genuine accessibility that comes with Hanoverians that makes this warmblood breed so
appealing to Denise.
“Many people seem to think they are incapable of having one, that they're not good enough,
but we’ve sold horses to our liveries on the yard who have coloured cobs or Welsh Cobs or Irish
drafts and they have fallen in love with a foal that they’ve seen and they’ve bought it.
“And because they’ve bought it as a baby and it has been brought up correctly, and we've
shown them how to get on with the horse and how to do things, they make exactly the kind of
horse they want.
“If you want a horse that is sharp, and ready to do dressage to Grand Prix, you ride them
differently to someone who wants to go out hacking on a Sunday morning and maybe go to a
local show now and again. Horses adapt and they don’t get enough credit for that. They are
very intelligent and they will adapt to old people or young people.
“We've even had people who have never had a horse before and yet they have bought a
youngster off us and it's worked. I'm not saying it always does, but most of the time it does.”

Denise and John have been buying foals from Verden since 1997 and due to their unstinting
loyalty to the breed they are among the auction’s top buyers. In fact, after purchasing their
100th foal, they became the star attraction with a presentation in front of 3,000 people. Not
bad for a girl from Yorkshire who could only dream of having her own horse one day.
“Verden was a great experience,” admits Denise. “Of course, we don’t get all our foals from
there. We have private sellers as well, some of whom are just farmers with maybe two or three
foals; everyday people who have maybe one or two mares, but who are very knowledgeable
and able to ask the state stud for advice on which stallions to use. The whole system is set up so
well in Germany. It's very well-funded because it’s actually worth millions to them. It's one of
the biggest industries in Germany.”
For those who don’t know, warmbloods are middle-weight horses primarily originating in
Europe, specifically bred these days for equestrian sport. The best-known warmbloods are
the Hanoverian, Holsteiner, Oldenburg, Dutch Warmblood, Belgian Warmblood, and the
purebred Trakehner.
The Hanoverians originate from the north German state of Lower Saxony, and the official
studbook dates back to 1888. In the beginning, thoroughbreds were primarily crossed with
domestic mares to improve the quality of horses for cavalry and farming, but over the years,
the Hanoverian breeding programme adapted to meet the need for a more athletic riding horse
– today’s modern Hanoverian.
Now, to protect the integrity of these remarkable performance horses, breeding stock is
carefully selected for correct conformation, athletic ability and inner qualities such as
disposition and trainability – attributes that have made Hanoverians Olympic medallists in all
three disciplines.
“Hanoverians are beautiful horses,” says Denise. “The majority of them have good
conformation, they have very trainable brains compared to, say, the Dutch horses that can be
very hot. You wouldn't give someone a Dutch warmblood to break in and ride; they need a
professional as a rule as some of the lines can be very, very hot. That's another reason why we
stick with the Hanoverian lines that we know.
“Of course, some lines can be a little more difficult so, if you have Sandro Hit in your pedigree,
you need to know that you've got a trainable line there as well, like the De Niro or Donnerhall
line. The F line is also very trainable. This is the kind of knowledge you need to have when you
are buying foals. It's very scientific.”
Although Denise and John have a small library of books that they consult when they are
investigating the bloodlines of new foals, Denise admits the priority is to “like the foal that
you're looking at.”
“You can say as much as you like about the pedigree, but the first thing is the foal – is it correct,
does it move, has it got a nice friendly nature, is mum friendly, what has the stallion done, has
he got good rideability?
“When you have that kind of knowledge, and you know which horse is tricky and which ones
are easy to deal with, hopefully that comes through in the foal.”
While Denise has developed an enviable eye for recognising future talent, she admits that there
are some foals that come up for auction that make her “heart flutter,” and they are usually the
youngsters that tip the £100,000 mark.
“It's extraordinary, some of the money that exchanges,” she says. “It can reach into the
millions for two-year-old stallions. It's big business.”
Having bought more than 1,000 foals since Gamblethorpe Hanoverians came into being, Denise
admits to having had a few favourites over the years, but among the elite of her elite collection
is Dubloon by Donnerhall.
“He was one of the first stallions I bought and I had him for seven years,” she says. “I rode him
myself and competed him and he did amazing, even though I am not the best rider in the world.
In the end he ended up in Southern Ireland with a lovely lady called Rosemary Gaffney, a top
para rider. She was a reserve for the London Olympics with him, but unfortunately no one
dropped out, so she didn't get to compete. He was a gorgeous horse, and I'll never forget him.”

As anyone who has ever bought a young horse may know, there is a definite ‘ugly duckling’
stage they go through as they transform from cute foal to Grand prix dressage prospect. As the
German saying goes, ‘only look at a horse at three weeks, three months and three years.’
“It’s true,” laughs Denise. “If you saw the yearlings now, you'd think ‘Oh, my God!’ They're
covered in mud, they’re hairy, their bums are higher than their fronts, they've lost the
movement they had, they’ve got ewe necks, and you think ‘what the hell have I bought?’. But if
you look at the foal video, they always come back to that. If you've got one that's in proportion
as a foal, by the time it gets to three, fingers crossed, you've hopefully got something that
resembles that foal. Sometimes it’s a little bit older than three, and some can look really good
at two. But you can pretty much guarantee the yearlings will look awful. That’s why we take
videos of all our foals and put them on our website, so you can see how they're developing. It
really helps to see the potential if you can look back on the first couple of videos when they
were younger.”
Unlike some yards, Denise believes its important to allow her foals and young horses to live as a
herd while they are developing.
“When they arrive from Germany, they’re all missing their mums, they don't know where the
hell they are, they've been in a lorry and we put them all together in the foal barn where we
leave them for a couple of days to chill out. Obviously, we go in and see them and talk to them,
and it’s amazing how quickly they settle when they've got all their friends with them. I think
that makes a big difference.
“We try to keep them in that herd situation all their lives, as long as we can, until they're ready
to leave to go to new homes. We bring them into the stables, occasionally, and get them used
to coming away from the herd, but the main thing is that they are brought up as they would be
in the wild. They need that turn-out time and they need to be able to move. This helps with
both their physical and mental development, all of which makes them so much easier to deal
with in later life.”
Denise’s Top Five Foal-Buying Tips
1. Do your homework. Compare as many youngsters as you can before making a decision
on which one to buy.
2. Make sure the conformation of the foal is correct, especially the limbs and feet. If you
aren't an expert, ask for help from a vet or someone who is an expert.
3. Do your research into the foal’s pedigree. Will they be a rideable, unstressed horse or
will they be a professional’s choice? Trainability is more important than a flashy trot. Do
not over-horse yourself.
4. If possible, spend time with your potential youngster, getting to know him or her before
making a decision.
5. The most important consideration when buying a youngster is to make sure you have
the correct environment for him or her to develop in. Foals and young horses need
other youngsters with them as well as excellent, grassy fields to move around in and
Above all else, enjoy your youngster. They aren't babies for very long.
For more information about Gamblethorpe Hanoverians, visit